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  3-Ways to Generate $300k in 2023 Time is More Important than Money Rome Wasn't Built in a Day, but...  
  The Pandemic of 2020 came upon us fast, rather very fast. Fast-Forward to Covid-19 now being the top of discussion for 2022 transformed into the new term of Tridemic, a combination of Covid-19, the Flu, and RSV which is overcoming the healthcare system. How does this affect your law firm? Because there's a new way of reaching an immediate monthly revenue of $30,000 based on 200-Billable Hours starting in the first Quarter 2023. READ MORE Professional Services businesses spend valuable time building the business as much as possible. Frequently, business owners get involved in the community with volunteerism or sponsorship and sometimes they may do both as part of Social Responsibility. But not everything is about giving money because giving of your time is just as valuable. When you give your time it shows others you care and support community organizations such as The Ronald McDonald House. READ MORE Building relationships in business is not only necessary for connecting with peers, associates, and acquaintances but it’s also the drive to warm leads with doing cross-promotional services within one firm. At my alma mater at Penn State University, my favorite executive office administrator Curt Marshall says, “If you’re not NET-working…then you will soon be NOT-working.” That is the power of building connections and building any business. READ MORE